Thursday, March 13, 2014

Send Me

Well, I originally said I would be posting about every other week leading up to the trip to give updates on my fundraising and the fundraising for the clinic expenses. However, sometimes life gets a little crazy, so this blog post comes a little later than I originally planned!

Our first deposit has been turned in, and I continue to work towards the total cost of the $1310 for the trip. Personally, my fundraising has been extremely slow and I still have a lot left to raise to cover the cost of my trip. I am constantly reminded though, that God will always provide what we need when we need it. Maybe not exactly what we ask for, or even during the time that we want it, but God is all powerful and always faithful! Patience is key! So, in the mean time, I have started sewing elephants and am selling them for $10 to help raise money. They are selling really well, and this has really helped me deal with my patience (or lack there of!) by using a sewing machine that pops the thread constantly! It's all being done to be able to do the work God has called me to do though, and this provides me with amazing strength!

Raising money for clinic expenses has been going well. We had a "t-shirt Thursday" at LC about a month ago and we had one today to help raise funds! Some of our team members were also able to raise $400 and $700 at two different churches to go towards clinic expenses. Yay!

The logistics of the trip and travel are in the works and I can hardly contain myself as I wait to hear what our days will consist of and what communities we will be working in!

Last year, I didn't have a blog so I spent a lot of time writing in my travel journal. Now, I am reading back on my thoughts during my time there. I'd like to share a few of those that remind me of why we work so hard to raise the money for our own trips and clinic expenses.

"Someone did not eat their sandwich for lunch so they gave it to one of the little girls. It was humbling and it broke my heart as I watched this little girl break that sandwich into 6 pieces to share with her siblings."

"Although to some, the scenery was run down by the pieces of tin put together to make houses, the dirt roads, and the livestock running wild, I thought it was absolutely beautiful in its own aspect."

Tonight, I am humbled and ready to serve God wherever he calls, and answer with send me!

Colossians 3:23 Whatever you do, work at it wholeheartedly as though you were doing it for the Lord and not merely for people.

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